Fr Sean Sequeira


To be an Altar Server is a special honor and a great privilege in the Catholic Church. As an Altar Server, you can trace your roots to the order of acolyte, a ministry that once was reserved only for those who were going to be ordained priests! You can look upon your child being an Altar Server as a special and unique ministry by which they can begin their Christian vocation to spread the word and the love of Christ through actions and words. The main role of the Altar Server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the Mass as well as other liturgies including Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Stations of the Cross, and Eucharistic Adoration. They perform specific actions and set an example to the assembly by their active participation in the liturgy. Pope Francis says to Altar servers, "The closer you are to the altar, the more you will remember to speak with Jesus in daily prayer; the more you will be nourished by the word and the body of the Lord, the better able you will be to go out to others, bringing them the gift that you have received, giving in turn with enthusiasm the joy you have received". You can become an Altar server after receiving First Holy Communion till you pass your 10th Std. Meetings are held every Saturday at 4pm in the St. Paul VI Hall.

Cecila Pereira


This comprises of trained Ministers of the Word. They conduct Online / Offline Bible Study classes in every sector / zone and organize activities such as Conventions at the Deanery, Bible Week, Sector Bible Quizzes, etc.

Yvonne D’Souza


They promote civic, social, economic, political, cultural, economic, educational and general welfare of the people. Activities include providing employment, involvement in social issues like campaign against service tax levied on societies, RTI camps, collection drive for cancer patients, and giving merit awards to students for academic excellence.

Succorina Silveira


Through the Sunday School and Confirmation classes, catechists/animators and administration personnel help over1500 children to grow in faith, deal with real life situations through healthy competition, communication, relationships, etc. gain confidence by taking part in the liturgy, become sensitive to the poor and marginalized when they visit orphanages, aged homes, etc.

Peter Dsouza


The Centre for Community Organisation (CCO) of our parish aims at organising all sections of the community, especially the marginalized, to become aware of their dignity and help them improve the quality of their life. The Centre initiates and organizes the efforts of the less fortunate and empowers them to become responsible for their future. Also known as Parivartan Kendra, the CCO has initiated the following programmes of empowerment and skill development. Project Anmol aims at the holistic development of mother and child which includes individual and family counseling and capacity building; Project Sui Daga runs embroidery and tailoring classes that aim at manufacturing and supplementing income; Project Udaan conducts adult literacy classes which includes awareness on nutrition and hygiene; Samajik Vikas is community organization and awareness programmes on health and related issues; Project Guddi lays special emphasis on the Girl Child; Health Care Clinics; Veronica’s Volunteers give employment for nursing and health Care; Legal Aid and Documentation and Library.

English - Ronita Pereira


Konkani - Mathilda Lobo


Hindi - Biju Thampy


These groups are engaged in praise and worship and conduct intercessory prayer services every week. They also arrange for teachings on Bible themes and encourage members to read the Word of God. The members also visit the sick and pray for them and organize retreats and seminars.

English - Dominic D'souza


Konkani - Charles D'Cunha


Hindi - Albert Patil



Mathilda Lobo


The members are trained to become committed Christians first to see God in themselves and others. Activities such as recollections, personal prayer, community prayer, etc. are organized so as to enable the members to experience God in a tangible manner.

Fr Joseph David


The aim is to communicate "happenings" to the parishioners. This Cell is divided into three teams.
COMMUNIQUE - The Quarterly Parish bulletin communicates the happenings of the Parish and articles covering a wide range of topics like social issues, faith formation, quizzes, etc. to cater to people of all ages. It is also a forum for budding writers to present articles on various themes that deal with faith and life.
I C CHURCH APP – I C Church has an APP created for a participative community. This simplistic app is available on the go and helps our parishioners to stay up to date. The app features Bible diary, prayers for daily living, prayer requests, church contacts. It also gives information pertaining to the parish, portfolios of our priest's, information on cells, association's and groups, mass services, announcements, frequently asked questions, parish news, youth updates, etc. On your mobile go to to download the latest version.
MEDIA- We have a team that captures all events through photography and videos and shares it on to all the Social Media of the Parish; namely; Church Website, FaceBook, YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. They are also responsible to Design Poster etc. to communicate all Church related communications, so that every home gets the required information.

Renita D'Souza


Lloyd Patel


It is a group consisting of East Indians, the original local inhabitants, who have been at the service of the Church for decades. They help out in various programmes of the parish – Marathi Liturgy, collection at Masses on Saturdays, Sundays, feast days and special occasions, Parish Feast and Holy Week Services.

Yvette Gracias


These lay ministers perform a vital role of taking Holy Communion to people who are sick and homebound and who cannot make it for regular Sunday Mass. Most of them also render assistance in distributing Communion to the crowds that attend our Masses, as well as imposing ashes on Ash Wednesday and blessing throats on the Feast of St Blaise.

Flavia Almeida


The Family Cell is dedicated to Reaching out to the spiritual and emotional needs of families of the Parish inspiring them to live in Solidarity to make each family into a vibrant domestic church. The Family Cell networks with other parish organisations making families aware of their mission (educational role), development of healthy family life (preventive role) and reaching out to families in distress (therapeutic role). Family cell organises various programs for couples, talks by eminent speakers and counselors touching upon various aspects of family life.
KID'S ALIVE - A unique Initiative by the Family Cell is conducted for kids aged 3 to 5 years, on every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, for an hour from 5.30 to 6.30pm at St. Paul VI Hall .Children are taught rich Christian values through Bible stories using cartoons, skits, action songs, games, puppet shows etc. and also to memorise the Bible verses. Sessions for Parents (permitted for parents with kids upto 10yrs) are held alongside, by professional Counsellors on Coping with Early Childhood issues like hyperactivity, learning difficulties, negative behaviours in kids, healthy eating habits, spirituality etc.
MARRIAGE BUREAU (EVENTUALLY YOURS) - The Family Cell runs a full-fledged Marriage Bureau which is open every 2nd & 4th Saturdays 11am to 12 noon, for Eligible Bachelors/Spinsters all over Mumbai / outside Mumbai too. Those interested need to register online and get in touch with the Family Cell. MEET & GREET sessions are held quarterly to enable face to face meetings of Eligibles. (Eventually Yours (Marriage Bureau Registration))

Sushila Pallicha


The objective is to involve our community in civic and political issues. The members network with NGOs, BMC, LACC, help with registration of electoral roll and obtaining Election ID cards, create awareness of good governance, global warming, RTI Act, SEZ, conveyance to housing societies, organize Independence and Republic Day celebrations and Christian unity & interfaith dialogue meetings. The members have started taking up environmental and conservation issues for climate change awareness. In our outreach to our Parish community, we offer Platelet / Blood Donation in aid of Cancer Patients for Tata Memorial Hospital.

Carmeline Almeida


It is a support group for widows to help them accept widowhood as a vocation, gain emotional stability and help them become prayerful, joyful and helpful. The members meet regularly to pray and spend time in fellowship. They organize retreats, recollections, visits to shrines, aged homes or orphanages, a Christmas party and an annual picnic.

Lavey DCosta


IC ACTS deals with measures to build and strengthen one’s faith. Monthly sessions are conducted on the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) and on matters of faith/Catholic doctrine (Apologetics). The one-hour CCC session is generally conducted on the third Mondays and the 1¹⁄2 hour monthly session on Apologetics on the fourth Sundays. These two programmes are open to all parishioners and each session is an independent unit by itself. The missionary mandate of Jesus Christ to spread the Good News is handled by participation in 'Evangelisation' programmes of the Church.

Precilla Fernandes


IC Care is the Community Welfare Fund established by our Parish to provide assistance to those in need. The Fund is sustained through consistent contributions from Parishioners and is allocated to various areas of support as outlined below:
50%: Monthly provisions for essential needs, including rations, educational support, and medical aid.
15%: Funding for sector-specific activities aimed at empowering and uplifting the community.
35%: Financial support directed towards the maintenance and development of the church, ensuring its continued ability to serve the community.
Through IC Care, our Parish aims to extend a helping hand to those requiring immediate assistance while also investing in long-term community growth and the preservation of our spiritual home.

Dr. Rachel Pires


Trained Professional Counsellors / Mental Health Counsellors, who are parishioners of our church, have come forward to give of their Service to those in need. You can contact the Parish office directly for appointments. Appointments are given on a first cum first served basis as the Counsellors meet limited patients on a single day. Cancellations should be avoided as it could affect the prospect of the other needy person.

Fr. Gerry Fernandes


Catering to the healthcare needs of its parishioners and its neighbourhood, Our Parish clergy initiated and started the IC Healthcare Centre that has a panel of renowned Doctors voluntarily serving parishioners who are marginalized. IC Healthcare Centre has collaborated with quality healthcare institutions like Karuna Hospital, Gloria Hospitals and Healthcare, Excel Imaging amongst others to make healthcare more affordable, available and accessible to its parishioners. This service is also available to people of other faith demonstrating inclusiveness and openness to embracing people and parishioners irrespective of caste, creed religion or economic status.

Ingrid Pinto


ICSY reaches out to less fortunate Catholic families in our parish, who supplement their income by selling home-made snacks in the canteen every Sunday morning and catering for functions. Rations to the old, scholarships to poor deserving students, loans for house repairs are some of the ways they help the beneficiaries. A get-together for the families is organized annually. Catholic families in need of help can meet the ICSY members on Sunday morning in the hall.

Fr. Gerry Fernandes


The Legal cell of IC Parish has been set up to create awareness and ensure legal literacy among parishioners who are unaware of their basic rights and legal entitlements. The legal services offered at IC Church through a panel of well renowned lawyers have voluntarily offered their services to provide basic advice to the beneficiaries so that beneficiaries are able to understand and act on legal matters affecting them. This service is available to all parishioners. Prior appointment is necessary to avail of these services. Please contact the Parish office for appointment.

Sandra Rose


The objective is self-sanctification of its members and those whom they come in contact with through prayer and active apostolic works. The members reach out to people of all faiths by family visits, encouraging prayer and participation in parish and SCC activities, directing people needing help, visiting institutions, hospitals, casual conversations with people on the streets, etc. They also work with SCC units in organizing certain programmes like parent-youth interaction. The Legion of Mary has a 5 Senior, 2 Junior and 1 Tamil praesidia having meetings on different days of the week.

The NYGs comprise of youth from the age of 16 years to 25 years (unmarried). These groups have a threefold purpose of fellowship, formation and service. The Parish Youth Council (PYC) co-ordinates all the activities of the NYGs along with the PYAT.

English - Moneika Rao


Konkani - Janet Saldanha


Marathi - Peter Rodrigues


The Parish Liturgical Team (PLT) has representatives of all liturgical ministries on it. It is the apex body of all liturgical ministries. It meets bimonthly to plan and execute the liturgical activities of the parish. The PLT organizes and monitors the activities of all liturgical ministries. It organizes regular formation sessions for various liturgical ministries, for example, lectors, choirs and cantors. It sets up policies and guidelines for the smooth functioning of all liturgical ministries.

Sianne D'Souza


The PYAT comprises of representatives from every Sector who are above 25 years of age and are willing to serve in the Youth Ministry. They are the ones who are responsible in animating and mentoring the youth in the Neighbourhood Youth Groups (NYGs)

Viraj Almeida


In 1980 the Priest Synod identified the first priority was to form Small Christian Communities in the Archdiocese of Bombay for implementing the directions given by the Second Vatican Council of the "New Way of Being Church". In our Parish thus the Small Christian Communities or SCC's started to function. The Parish was divided into Sectors & Communities. Today we have 42 sectors and 162 communities. Each sector has a Parish Councillor, Community Co-ordinators and Animators and ALL Parishioners are part of the SCC's. To co-ordinate and drive the Community activities the Parish Animation team (PAT) works in close interaction with the Sector Priest and the Steering Committee members .

Rolin Furtado


It is conducted for couples expecting a child in the immediate future to help prepare them for parenthood. It aims at giving them a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith, insights into the development of the child from the pre-natal to the nurturing years and also on the spiritual, physical and psychological aspects of the family. Both the responsibility and the accountability to God of the parents and god-parents are stressed upon in the course.

Cressie Konatt


The Adult Catechumenate is a programme for adults of other faiths who want to know more about Jesus. A systematic presentation of the person and teachings of Jesus enable them to know him better. The type of catechesis given is informal, interactive, community oriented and inculturated, spread over a period of at least one year. If they freely choose to follow Christ, they are baptized at Easter. The 'TO KNOW JESUS' program is especially designed for Inter-faith - ‘mixed’ married couples or couples married under ‘disparity of cult’ to know the faith of their Catholic spouse and be blessed. This is a 5 month, weekly program which generally begins in the second week of January every year and ends in a 2 day retreat. We invite such couples also to 'Come and See'.

Olivia Rodrigues


It looks into all aspects of the life of seniors and seeks to create an environment to provide them comfort, convenience, security and care which would contribute to a happy, contented and productive life.

Blandina Fernandes


The society of St. Vincent De Paul is an international organization present in parishes across the world. The members of the conference who are called Vincentians of Our Lady of Conception Church meet every Thursday from 7:30 pm onwards in the St. Pope Paul VI hall to pray, deliberate and discuss the welfare of our adoptive families. The Vincentians serve the poorest of the Poor through Corporal Works of mercy (ration aid, medical aid and educational aid) by reaching out to the marginalized in society irrespective of caste, creed or religion. Making those in need self- reliant is one of the main aim of the mission. Vincentian works also includes regular visits to the homes of adoptive families, visits to hospitals and institutions.

Judith Pinto


A group of trained parishioners and some with a passion and love for the Special children have come together to conduct Faith formation classes for the Special children. A unique venture started in 2014, with a Mission to transmit love and accompany our Special Angels and their parents in experiencing God's vibrant love. This year we have renamed our venture as "Special Angels". We meet every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm at St. Paul VI Hall. Our activities include Singing Hymns, Action Songs, Craft Activities based on Parables, Games, Picnic, etc. We also celebrate Birthdays, Parents' Day, Children's Day, Christmas Party, etc.

Roy Monteiro


A group of volunteers, who come forward on Sundays, Special Occasions, Holy Week, etc., and render help at the Liturgical Services. Hence, they contribute to the order and smooth flow of each Liturgical Service.

Savita Rodrigues


The Women's cell objective is to build solidarity among and with women across the spectrum on various issues related to gender, gender based violence, abusive behaviour at home, financial insecurity and empowerment. Being seen and heard in personal, professional, community and Church spaces is the intention held dearly which is visible through the various programs that are created, planned and executed. In an event of distress feel free to reach out to the women's cell. "quot;Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all of us."